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Theros Oltre la Morte - Promo

Regular | Foil | Promo | Signed | Playset | Etched Foil | Artwork | Halo Foil | The List | Full Art | Textured Foil | Galaxy Foil | Prerelease | Oil Foil | Confetti Foil

Near Mint | Excellent | Good | Light Played | Played | Poor | Mint | Signed | Artwork | Foil | Normal | Inked

Artefatto | Creatura | Incantesimo | Istantaneo | Terra | Stregoneria | Planeswalker

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Mitica | Rara | Non comune| Comune

Bianco | Blu | Nero | Rosso | Verde | Multicolore | Incolore

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6 carte visualizzate su 6

Carta Nome - Name Ed.  Tipo  F/C  - Costo 
Ordina   -         -  
THBPR032 Dalakos, Creatore di Meraviglie
Dalakos, Crafter of Wonders
Creatura Leggendaria
Artefice Tritone
THBPR033 Dedalo di Skofos
Labyrinth of Skophos

THBPR035 Devastare il Cielo
Shatter the Sky
THBPR037 Divorare fino all'Estinzione
Eat to Extinction
THBPR038 Driade del Boschetto di Ilysia
Dryad of the Ilysian Grove
Creatura Incantesimo
THBPR090 Driade del Boschetto di Ilysia (V.1)
Dryad of the Ilysian Grove (V.1)
Creatura Incantesimo

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