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Theros Oltre la Morte

Regular | Foil | Promo | Signed | Playset | Etched Foil | Artwork | Halo Foil | The List | Full Art | Textured Foil | Galaxy Foil | Prerelease | Oil Foil | Confetti Foil

Near Mint | Excellent | Good | Light Played | Played | Poor | Mint | Signed | Artwork | Foil | Normal | Inked

Artefatto | Creatura | Incantesimo | Istantaneo | Terra | Stregoneria | Planeswalker

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Mitica | Rara | Non comune| Comune

Bianco | Blu | Nero | Rosso | Verde | Multicolore | Incolore

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20 carte visualizzate su 20

Carta Nome - Name Ed.  Tipo  F/C  - Costo 
Ordina   -         -  
THB170 I Primi Giochi di Iroas
The First Iroan Games
THB215 Incarnazione Enigmatica
Enigmatic Incarnation
THB019 Intervento di Eliod
Heliod's Intervention
THB094 Intervento di Erebos
Erebos's Intervention
THB188 Intervento di Nylea
Nylea's Intervention
THB151 Intervento di Purforos
Purphoros's Intervention
THB072 Intervento di Thassa
Thassa's Intervention
THB157 Ira della Tempesta
Storm's Wrath

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