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Jumpstart 2022

Regular | Foil | Promo | Signed | Playset | Etched Foil | Artwork | Halo Foil | The List | Full Art | Textured Foil | Galaxy Foil | Prerelease | Oil Foil | Confetti Foil

Near Mint | Excellent | Good | Light Played | Played | Poor | Mint | Signed | Artwork | Foil | Normal | Inked

Artefatto | Creatura | Incantesimo | Istantaneo | Terra | Stregoneria | Planeswalker

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Bianco | Blu | Nero | Rosso | Verde | Multicolore | Incolore

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25 carte visualizzate su 155

Carta Nome - Name Ed.  Tipo  F/C  - Costo 
Ordina   -         -  
492 Act on Impulse
Act on Impulse
129 Aftershock
29 Ardoz, Cobbler of War
Ardoz, Cobbler of War
Legendary Creatura — Goblin Shaman
493 Arms Dealer
Arms Dealer
Creatura — Goblin Rogue
30 Auntie Blyte, Bad Influence
Auntie Blyte, Bad Influence
Legendary Creatura — Devil Advisor
494 Axgard Cavalry
Axgard Cavalry
Creatura — Dwarf Berserker
495 Banefire
496 Barrage Ogre
Barrage Ogre
Creatura — Ogre Warrior
497 Battle Squadron
Battle Squadron
Creatura — Goblin
498 Big Score
Big Score
499 Blaze
500 Blisterspit Gremlin
Blisterspit Gremlin
Creatura — Gremlin
501 Blood Aspirant
Blood Aspirant
Creatura — Satyr Berserker
502 Bloodhaze Wolverine
Bloodhaze Wolverine
Creatura — Wolverine
503 Bogardan Dragonheart
Bogardan Dragonheart
Creatura — Human Shaman
504 Bolt Hound
Bolt Hound
Creatura — Elemental Dog
505 Borderland Marauder
Borderland Marauder
Creatura — Human Warrior
31 Brazen Cannonade
Brazen Cannonade
506 Brazen Freebooter
Brazen Freebooter
Creatura — Human Pirate
507 Brazen Wolves
Brazen Wolves
Creatura — Wolf
508 Burn Bright
Burn Bright
509 Captain Lannery Storm
Captain Lannery Storm
Legendary Creatura — Human Pirate
510 Catalyst Elemental
Catalyst Elemental
Creatura — Elemental
512 Chandra's Magmutt
Chandra's Magmutt
Creatura — Elemental Dog
513 Chandra's Pyreling
Chandra's Pyreling
Creatura — Elemental Lizard

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