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1° Torneo OLD SCHOOL 93/94' - english version

di N.D. - 28/12/2014

hello everyone,


December 27 was held the first Italian tournament fot the magic format OLD SCHOOL 93/94 ',


organized by the magic time/magic time Ravenna 

for the occasion chose, the playing venue in the historic in circolo Quintet,


13 players at the start, the metagame was very various:


monoblack aggro, white Wennie, monored burn, burn UR, GW ernhamGeddon, UB transumte control, UWR Control, UR skyes, RG land desruction ...

you can see some pics of the event:

after 4 rounds of Swiss, here the top 4:

Morrone (UWR Control)

Margheri (UWB serra/sengir)

Jacopo (GW erhnamGeddon)



Simone (big red) vs Morrone (UWR Control) 1-2

Jacopo (GW erhnamGeddon) vs Margheri (UWB serra/sengir) 0-2


Report del vincitore by Adrea Morrone aka Morris Loser

Round 1: Yuri Ancarani - BUG berserk

i mulliganed down to 6 he play two Serendib Efreet   no way.

in both follow games i drawn Spirit Link  he couldn't win


Round 2Jacopo Borrelli - GW erhnamGeddon

first game he won playing a lot of Wrath of God  and "Armageddon"...

the second game i started so fast and i won with 2 serra's angels

third game i was control the game, i would have defeat him but the time was over


Round 3Christian Zoli - UB transmute artifact

fist game a strong Balance  discarded all his hand

second game i got control and played some bolts before his desperateTimetwister   


Round 4Andrea Margheri - UWB serra/sengir

fist game no creature we started a counter war and Mishra's Factory  race, then i finished him with Fireball 

second game, some removal from both side then a mine Serendib Efreet  survived and deals a lot damage when he go down to 3... "Lightning Bolt !!! 


Top4: Simone Gentile Simone Gentile - Big red

fist game he pissed me of in 3 round with a lot of Lightning Boltand Chain Lightning  ...

second game i started land, mox, Circle of Protection: Red 

third game i got fast the control, he screwed and i close the game with a big Fireball , against monored is awesome!!



fist game he started land, mox, go

my turn Mishra's Factory  , Sol Ring   Fellwar Stone  

he: land, Dark Ritual  Mind Twist  for 4 i remain just a "Swords to Plowshares", the he drawn 4 lands and i played Jayemdae Tome   drawn infinite good cards and i closed with double Fireball  .

second game he started mox, Mishra's Factory , go, imulliganed to 6, Strip Mine , go  

he played land, Dark Ritual  , Hypnotic Specter   .... I land, go.. 

he:Mind Twist   from X-1 and got the game with Hypnotic Specter .


third game i started land, Ancestral Recall  at fifth round i got Library of Alexandria , played a Mana Drain   on his Braingeyser   for 4, next round i played a big Fireball  for 8... he tried to survive and plays a Balance 

0 cards to us but i got the winning condition in play, Mishra's Factory  . 

Morrone (UWR Control) vs Margheri (UWB serra/sengir) 2-1

The Winner Andrea Morrone


another interesting deck:

The Abyss control (by Zoli,Yuri)

thanks for reading, see you at the next tournament!

Jacopo Borrelli


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Michele - Non sapevo si giocasse anche in italia! Fantastico! A saperlo mi sarei organizzato per partecipare! Ce ne saranno altri di eventi simili?