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25 carte visualizzate su 118

Carta Nome - Name Ed.  Tipo  F/C  - Costo 
Ordina   -         -  
1 Agrus Kos, Eternal Soldier
Agrus Kos, Eternal Soldier
Legendary Creatura — Spirit Soldier
9 Alandra, Sky Dreamer
Alandra, Sky Dreamer
Legendary Creatura — Merfolk Wizard
169 Alba di Speranza
Dawn of Hope
144 Angel of Flight Alabaster
Angel of Flight Alabaster
Creatura — Angel
150 Archon of Justice
Archon of Justice
Creatura — Archon
151 Archon of Sun's Grace
Archon of Sun's Grace
Creatura — Archon
29 Ardoz, Cobbler of War
Ardoz, Cobbler of War
Legendary Creatura — Goblin Shaman
756 Bag of Holding
Bag of Holding
53 Balan, Wandering Knight
Balan, Wandering Knight
Legendary Creatura — Cat Knight
495 Banefire
276 Barrin, Tolarian Archmage
Barrin, Tolarian Archmage
Legendary Creatura — Human Wizard
38 Benevolent Hydra
Benevolent Hydra
Creatura — Hydra
157 Blessed Sanctuary
Blessed Sanctuary
382 Bloodtracker
Creatura — Vampire Wizard
811 Bonders' Enclave
Bonders' Enclave

31 Brazen Cannonade
Brazen Cannonade
509 Captain Lannery Storm
Captain Lannery Storm
Legendary Creatura — Human Pirate
453 Cimitero Sovrappopolato
Oversold Cemetery
641 Courser of Kruphix
Courser of Kruphix
Incantesimo Creatura — Centaur
643 Creeperhulk
Creatura — Plant Elemental
391 Cruel Sadist
Cruel Sadist
Creatura — Human Assassin
645 Deadbridge Goliath
Deadbridge Goliath
Creatura — Insect
396 Deathbringer Regent
Deathbringer Regent
Creatura — Dragon
173 Decree of Justice
Decree of Justice
397 Demon of Catastrophes
Demon of Catastrophes
Creatura — Demon

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