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25 carte visualizzate su 835

Carta Nome - Name Ed.  Tipo  F/C  - Costo 
Ordina   -         -  
477 Tormented Soul
Tormented Soul
Creatura — Spirit
615 Tormenting Voice
Tormenting Voice
46 Towering Gibbon
Towering Gibbon
Creatura — Ape
115 Tragic Lesson
Tragic Lesson
478 Tragico Scivolone
Tragic Slip (V.1)
74 Tragico Scivolone
Tragic Slip (V.2)
256 Trained Caracal
Trained Caracal
Creatura — Cat
257 Transcendent Envoy
Transcendent Envoy
Incantesimo Creatura — Griffin
75 Tree of Perdition
Tree of Perdition
Creatura — Plant
827 Treetop Village
Treetop Village

258 Triplicate Spirits
Triplicate Spirits
479 Triskaidekaphobia
365 Triton Shorestalker
Triton Shorestalker
Creatura — Merfolk Rogue
616 Trove of Temptation
Trove of Temptation
259 Trove Warden
Trove Warden
Creatura — Cat Beast
736 Turntimber Basilisk
Turntimber Basilisk
Creatura — Basilisk
480 Typhoid Rats
Typhoid Rats
Creatura — Rat
133 Uktabi Orangutan
Uktabi Orangutan
Creatura — Ape
481 Ulcerate
482 Undead Augur
Undead Augur
Creatura — Zombie Wizard
366 Undersea Invader
Undersea Invader
Creatura — Giant Rogue
803 Universal Automaton
Universal Automaton
Artefatto Creatura — Shapeshifter
804 Universal Solvent
Universal Solvent
737 Unnatural Aggression
Unnatural Aggression
260 Unquestioned Authority
Unquestioned Authority
Incantesimo — Aura

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