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25 carte visualizzate su 835

Carta Nome - Name Ed.  Tipo  F/C  - Costo 
Ordina   -         -  
608 Storm Fleet Pyromancer
Storm Fleet Pyromancer
Creatura — Human Pirate Wizard
355 Storm Sculptor
Storm Sculptor
Creatura — Merfolk Wizard
473 Strangling Spores
Strangling Spores
114 Studio Ristico
Rhystic Study
609 Subterranean Scout
Subterranean Scout
Creatura — Goblin Scout
610 Sudden Breakthrough
Sudden Breakthrough
27 Suspicious Shambler
Suspicious Shambler
Creatura — Zombie
356 Svyelun of Sea and Sky
Svyelun of Sea and Sky
Legendary Creatura — Merfolk God
611 Swaggering Corsair
Swaggering Corsair
Creatura — Human Pirate
104 Swamp
Terra Base — Swamp

106 Swamp
Terra Base — Swamp

105 Swamp
Terra Base — Swamp

127 Swarm of Bloodflies
Swarm of Bloodflies
Creatura — Insect
734 Swarm Shambler
Swarm Shambler
Creatura — Fungus Beast
612 Swift Kick
Swift Kick
18 Synchronized Eviction
Synchronized Eviction
252 Syr Alin, the Lion's Claw
Syr Alin, the Lion's Claw
Legendary Creatura — Human Knight
357 Syr Elenora, the Discerning
Syr Elenora, the Discerning
Legendary Creatura — Human Knight
474 Syr Konrad, the Grim
Syr Konrad, the Grim
Legendary Creatura — Human Knight
475 Takenuma Bleeder
Takenuma Bleeder
Creatura — Ogre Shaman
799 Talon of Pain
Talon of Pain
800 Tamiyo's Journal
Tamiyo's Journal
Legendary Artefatto
358 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
Legendary Planeswalker — Tamiyo
253 Taranika, Akroan Veteran
Taranika, Akroan Veteran
Legendary Creatura — Human Soldier
113 Task Force
Task Force
Creatura — Human Rebel

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